Thursday, January 30, 2014

Other Campaign Ideas

I haven't given up on the Friday Night miniatures campaign idea.   But, I do think it'll will be more practical to start ramping up the process after I'm back from Italy, so an April start at the earliest.  I'm leaning toward a narrative campaign.   Dividing players into 2 teams, setting a reward for victory for each of 3-4 preliminary battles and then having the rewards figure into the forces available for the climactic final battle.

I've also been interested in doing an adversarial RPG campaign at some point too, where each session would involve 2 teams (or more) competing to acheive conflicting goals.

I have the initial thoughts of a "Crime City 3000" campaign, sort of a Gotham city in the Traveller universe concept floating around in my head too.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Well, such a hiatus

Wow,  what with Christmas and the new version of XCOM, I sort of wandered away from the blog for a while. 


Hobbit Part Two:   I know what would make it better!  Add even more pointless extended action sequences that have nothing to do with the original book, and don't advance the plot or pacing of the movie, but rather slow down and delay the progress.  Padding Joel, Padding.

Black Sails:   for something that is supposed to be a prequel to Treasure Island, it was surprisingly a very hard "R". 

40th anniversary edition of original D&D set.  Pretty nice.   I don't see me using the dice much anymore, they are kind of hard to read.   My wife ordered the set from Amazon for me for Christmas.  The orginal Amazon date was supposed to be November.  Then they changed to December, then some vague time in the future beyond the middle of January.  We canceled the order, re-ordered from Barnes and Noble for the same price and got it in a week.  Amazon usually is so dependable, I wonder what's up.