Friday, September 16, 2016

Deciding Stuff

Decision #1:   Do I update the Table?
Do we switch from 5x5  to 6x4?

Makes table "regulation size" for a lot of games and game mats/accessories
Gets us more room to move around the sides.

Got to find a way to attach a chunk of plywood to a table base.
Is the whole thing effort for very little advantage

I have some plans to make some game mats.   I need to know my table size before I do so.

Decision #2:  What happens after Andrew leaves us and we're done with Blades in the Dark?

I enjoy playing the game, but don't really want to GM it.

Choice 1:  Back to D&D Wilderlands:
      Pro:  Can easily use pre-made modules and Random-rolls to play game without much prep.
      Con:  We've played a lot of D&D lately, might be time for something else

Choice 2:  Miniatures Games
       Pro:  something different, plan for 2-sided games so if its just are 3 super-regulars (Dave, Jason, Tim) we can play regardless of who else shows.   I'm getting into project mode.  We can change week-to-week, until we decide on a campaign in a month or 2.  I have enough stuff that I don't need to buy or make anything unless I want to.
     Con:  definitely planning and set-up, but right now I can handle that.

I could also set up a series of miniature battles in a mini-campaign (2-4 games) where the first few help determine the set up for the climax battle.

Choice 3:  New Campaign
       Pro:  campaigns are what we do.   I have some back-burner ideas, mostly Savage Worlds based.
       Con:   Got to get set up in about 3 weeks.

Decision #3:  How To Get Numbers Up
I'd really like to see one more regular guy.  Since Andrew's out from October to January, if I understood him correctly, and Marlon is about 50/50 lately, I feel we're really a man short.  I'd like to have a reliable GM and 3 players.   Do we try to press Robert (see if someone can give him a ride?) or Chuck?   Do we try to get Bob fired from his job?   Do we try to recruit online or at the Comic Store bulletin board?  Anybody know anyone (preferably ornery old men)?
If we do some miniatures or board games, I can probably get my brother and/or Chuck for 1-2 games.

We'll need to talk some of this out, but it helps me to get my thoughts straight by writing it out.


  1. If you wanted to do a boardgame Sunday night from 6-9ish, I could manage that.

  2. I'm up for whatever. Blades in the Dark has absolutely NO prep, since everything is all made up on the spot.
