Sunday, November 27, 2016

Side Project: Space Guys

I totally ran out of pulp guys to paint while I'm waiting for a shipment from Canada.   But, I had the time and the desire to do some more painting, and dug out these Space Guys whom I had bought, based and primed over a year ago before the short Traveller campaign.

First 3 Totally Fabulous Space Mercenaries (including one who turned out to look like Space George Washington)

Second,  a squad of 9  Mutant Doom Troopers from Beyond the stars who have a swell Purple-Turquoise and Silver themed battle uniform:

Saturday, November 26, 2016

TABP Project #17: Model T

Here's a metal model of a Model T Ford I glued together and painted.   It's a better size than the 2 German cars I did, but a little on the small side.  It was easier than the plastic tiny models too (the secret is Gel super glue).   I think that matchboxes are really the answer overall, they're cheaper and easier and look nicer.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

To A Bloody Pulp Project #16: Gotham Troublemakers

First, a set of Chinese Irregular Infantry (i.e., armed peasants) useful for the 2 Chinese gangs in Gotham:

Second, some new brawlers, rioters or bar-fighters (had some old ones, but probably not nearly enough)

Last,  the final mini for Rufus Merriwhether, deliveryman to vigilantes:

Sunday, November 20, 2016

To A Bloody Pulp Project #15: Terrible Boat

Here's the terrible boat I put together today.

First I cut out the deck, taped the edges, painted it and glued on some project blocks for the engine and supports for the wheelhouse walls.  So far so good.

Next, I built and painted walls and a roof for the wheelhouse, painted some cardboard for windows, glued them on.   And then cut and painted some cardboard strips for the wall-dealies.

The gluing together was a disaster, and the whole thing just didn't quite turn out as I wanted it.   Sticking to simple buildings from now on.

The Front:
The side:

It will do for the one scene of the adventure "The Book of Frankenstein" that I made it for, but I don't think I'll keep it long after that.  Maybe it'll look a little better when all the horrible pools of glue dry.

Saturday, November 19, 2016

To A Bloody Pulp Project #14: The Blue Moon Crew

Two packs of minis from "Blue Moon's" Chaos in Cairo line.  5 "American Agents" and 4 Captain Josiah and Crew:

First,  3 American agents:  General Havoc, Non-Indiana Jones, Not Brendan Frazer from the Mummy:

Second, 2 more American Agents---tough as nails Dames
Third,  Captain Josiah and his scurvy crew

All the minis are staged on my brand-new Parking Lot piece, standing in front of the city-block model.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Spree Spent

I think that my incredible shopping spree may finally be at an end.  I have made a significant order from Pulp Figures and have asked for a bunch more for Christmas.  But, I think I may have come to the end of the jag.   I'll need to paint awhile, and I'm in to building terrain for the adventures I'm writing for TABP, but I think I've really reached the point of having bought what I need for the campaign to be well populated.  I needed to pull the bandage off the Pulp Figures, cause they're awesome, and I'm not getting any more of the sad Reverisco figures which pale in comparison.   I did like the Blue Moon figures I just got, but their pulp line is smaller than Pulp figures, and I've gotten the ones I really wanted from them.

Sunday, November 13, 2016

To A Bloody Pulp Project #13: Brick City Block

Here's a big project.   I was determined to make a scratch-built city block, using only things I already had in the house, no ready-built commercial parts

Step 1: start with a 18x12x6 box, from the ones I got for the bushwhack canyon project.  Taped it together, cut a piece of cardboard for the roof.
Step 2: Glue the roof to the top of the box, tape the edged to  cover the corrugated edges, weight it down, wait for it.

Step 3:  Paint roof black and Apply brick paper to the outside.  This was a brick pattern, copied from Google images and printed out on my printer. 
Step 4: cut doors and windows from pieces of bass wood, paint them, draw some frames and handles with sharpie and glue to the building.

THE FRONT:  3 shops, each with a door and store window, another door on the end leading to the apartments on the upper floors, 6 windows for those apartments
THE BACK:  large warehouse door, door and window for warehouse office.
THE SIDES:  2 windows on one side, no features on the other

Saturday, November 12, 2016

To A Bloody Pulp Project 12: Gotham Characters

First I have another set of 5 Reverisco figures, small low-detail casts.   There are 3 dames (I seriously am short on women, but more are coming).  Not too bad, but low on detail.  Second are Chumley McTux and a photographer,  again, not great sculpts to begin with.

Next, finally, are the 5 supervillains from Pulp Figures, the sculpting and casting were just so much better. 

First,   Iron Death Mask and the Red Snake Pope (both super awesome)

Next,  Evil scientist, Creeping Masked Man, and Bandaged Freak (awesome)

Thursday, November 10, 2016

To A Bloody Pulp Project #11: Cheap Gangsters

I got these 10 cheap gangsters from Reverisco and the casts aren't really that great, kind of flashy and low detail, also a little on the smaller side.  They are a mixture of Gangsters and Irish Republican Army (actually one pose appeared in both sets, so they're pretty interchangeable).

 One guy in the top row had some sort of glasses or something, so I decided to treat it as a mask.  His tie being yellow, its hard to see, so he ends up having a sort of Austin Powers look to him.

The guy on the far left of the bottom picture, I believe, was supposed to come with a tommy gun to glue on, but it was missing.  So now he's just Mr. Punches, which also could be of use.   The guy next to him ended up looking a bit too much like the Riddler.   No more green suits.  I don't know why 'stretch" on the right is so much taller than the rest of the set, but perhaps he was just meant to be a tall guy.

Sunday, November 6, 2016

To A Bloody Pulp Project #10: Little Cheap Houses for You and Me

Yesterday I saw a white, unglazed, unpainted ceramic house at Target, for $3.  It was a little too big scale-wise, just a little, but, hey, $3.   I bought it and painted it.  It's not the greatest thing ever, but hey, $3.

Saturday, November 5, 2016

To A Bloody Pulp Project #9: Stupid DC-3

Here's a picture of a model DC-3 I bought and put together, with one of the New Jersey Militia standing next door for scale.

It's under scale, but will do just fine for airport scenarios and rushes to get to the plane before the bad guys get you and so forth.

Although it's a year or two before its time for this campaign, the DC-3 is the most common cargo and passenger plane for the 1930's and 1940's and seemed to be the perfect "generic airplane" for pulp campaigns in general.

I called it the Stupid DC-3 because of the weird construction method--you had to assemble it with tiny screws.  The landing gear, and the Stand you could set the thing up on were non-functional (confirmed that it wasn't just me being stupid by checking the Amazon reviews).   

Still, it will do the trick for the purposes I bought it for, and was reasonably economical, far less expensive than most DC-3 standard model kits in the same scale.

Thursday, November 3, 2016

To A Bloody Pulp Project #8: I hate Illinois Nazis

I've got my squad of dirty rotten Nazi scum all painted.

First here's the Nazi's in helmets
Next, here's another 5 wearing German knock-offs of baseball caps

I also finally built the model kit of "German Recon Unit" I've had sitting on my shelf for a couple of years.  It has an armored car, a scout car and 3 soldiers:

They're actually not too bad, except when you do this:

They are just too small when compared to the bulk of my miniatures.  Even Matchbox and Hot Wheels work a lot better than these.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Character Ideas

I've been thinking about my character for To A Bloody Pulp.   I've got his history worked out:

Went with Pershing against Pancho Villa, fought in WW1, was Arizona Militia Captain and Pinkerton Detective in early 1920's, was a prohibition agent in Gotham in late 1920's.  Is about 40 years old.

Name:   Cap'n Buck Freemont

I'm deciding whether he's going to have a superpower --given to him by the ghost of Abraham Lincoln--(the Stun Power, which he activates when he charges into melee, and it centers on himself) in which case his code name will be "Captain Avalanche", or whether he's just going to use a shotgun all the time, in which case his code name will be "Captain Shotgun"