Thursday, August 11, 2011

Feats of Arms Final Draft

I've gotten the final, "this is what we're going to use" draft of the Feats of Arms document ready and uploaded it to the usual place:

To this draft, I've added:
Jason's "Drinking Man" feat
A feat that allows you to chop the head off a horse
A proficiency in Siege Weapons

Also, I added a few notes about rules changes that are needed because of adding some of the feats.

So, everybody start picking feats for Sunday (but no picking feet on Sunday).

1 comment:

  1. This is slightly off topic, but your mention of siege weapon proficiency reminded me of something I was going to suggest as a rule of siege weapons (with giant boulders included into it too). Basically, I was going to suggest that if a siege weapon hits, say, a formation of troops that is multiple ranks deep, and kills the target it hits, whatever damage that is left over from the attack should continue on through the first rank (and through the second rank, if damage permits). Basically make a siege weapon a little more devastating than it was before.
