Sunday, April 27, 2014

Agents of S.T.A.B.

I've been reading some Nick Fury comics of late, and my daughter has been subjecting me to endless episodes of the TV show "Supernatural", the two have started combining in my head in the form of a potential campaign:  Agents of S.T.A.B. (Supreme Terrestrial Action Brigade)---whereby units deploy to defeat alien, super-powered and extra-terrestrial threats that the locals just can't handle.


  1. Supernatural, X-Files, Agents of SHIELD, Grimm, maybe a few others. I like the concept.

    Actually, if you're looking for what was surprisingly a great series of novels on a similar subject, Monster Hunter International by Larry Correia. Though mostly focused on, well, monsters of a pretty wide variety. The basic premise is that all the monsters are real (but the general public doesn't know about them) and the government pays a bounty to private citizens that kill them. The Monster Hunter International organization recruits from the survivors of various monster attacks, as the survivors are less likely to lose their shit when dealing with the supernatural. The government has an agency that deals with monsters, but they're a lot more direct and unpleasant (making uncooperative witnesses disappear and framing whoever they can for the crimes).

  2. Would this be with your new home-brew system? I'm already imagining all the Wreckariffic fun!
