Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Just Couldn't Do It

I went over to Comic Store West on Labor Day.   I stood there looking at D&D 5e.   I looked and looked and looked.    I just couldn't do it.  I couldn't buy the Player's Handbook.  It didn't seem bad and there was nothing off putting about it (except for the $50 price tag), but there was nothing about it that could nudge me into buying it.


  1. I felt very 'meh' about it myself. I'm curious to read it, but not plunk down a pile of cash for it.

  2. I'm having too much fun with ACKS. Why buy another system?

  3. Isn't it mandatory to change to a new system every year or so?

  4. I wish they'd put out a supplement for "Orcs of Thar" from old D&D for ACKS. Something about running a campaign just with humanoids has always appealed to me.

  5. Seriously, just humanoids? Why couldn't we do that with ACKS. Just make up custom classes.

    I think Jason has just come up with our next campaign idea. Reverse dungeoneering!

  6. http://www.rpgnow.com/product/132809/GAZ10-The-Orcs-of-Thar-Basic

  7. I actually have a copy of the book myself, and it's a really funny read.

    ACKS actually has a brief piece under the reincarnation spell on becoming, and leveling up, monster (both as PCs and NPCs). The player book has, of course, the much more elaborate class creation system. It would take some work to get set up, but nothing really impossible.

    We could even set it in Gatavia, with goblins, hobgoblins, and bugbears on one side and orcs, high orcs, and orkin on the other side. Kobolds, ogres, trolls, and gnolls are sort of mercenary troops allying with whoever is offering more (or attacking whoever seems weaker).

    For more on reverse dungeoneering see:
    A comic about a rust monster, a gelatinous cube, and a mimic who decide to form an adventuring group:

    A tribe of goblins who decide to take adventurer classes

  8. Back in the olden days. Dave did run an evil campaign where us "heroes" led an army of orcs into the gnomes villages. Our rally cheer, "Eat the gnomes! Eat the gnomes!"

  9. well if no one wants to go out on their own to get the D&D 5e we can just each chuck in 5 or 10 dollars and get it as a group, if it comes in a digital format as well that would be great
