Sunday, October 6, 2013

Chainmail: post melee morale

I've been reading over my printout of my legal PDF copy of the original "Chainmail" miniatures rules (Gygax and Perren, TSR Hobbies, 3rd editon 1975 --original edition was from Guidon games, 1970).   Most of it is pretty straight forward, rules for moving, attack charts, and so forth.  However, there is one rule procedure which is pretty weird and complex, but I can see how it goes a long way toward making the results of a melee more realistic.  After every melee turn, both sides must make a special morale check.  I'll quote the rule:

1. The side with the fewer casualties determines the positive difference between their losses and those suffered by the enemy.  This number is then multiplied by the score of a die roll and the total noted.
2.  The side with the greater number of surviving troops which were involved in the melee determines the positive difference between the number of of his troops and those of the enemy.  This number is noted.
3.  Each side now multiplies their surviving figures, separating them by type of more than one type is involved, by the following "Morale Rating" factors:
Peasants 3                                  Light Horse 6
Light Foot/Levies   4                  Armored Foot, Janissaries  7
Heavy Foot      5                        Medium Horse, Landsknechte  8
Elite Heavy Foot    6                  Heavy Horse, Swiss Pikemen  9
4.  Both sides total the scores arrived at in steps 1-3 above, and the side with the lower total immediately reacts as follows:
0-19 difference--melee continues
20-39 difference--back 1/2 move, good order
40-59 difference--back 1 move, good order
60-79 difference--retreat 1 move
80-99 difference--1-1/2 move rout
100&+ difference--surrender

For melees involving 20 figures per side or less, double all totals."
Chainmail, Gygax and Perren, page 15.

When I first re-read the rules recently, I basically said WTF!!!!
After carefully re-reading it several times, I finally figured it all out.   It's neat how the overall number of troops, the quality of troops, the number inflicted and the number still standing are all factored in to determine who "won" or "lost" the actual fight. 

 This melee morale is also completely different than the "Instability from Excess Casualties" which is more like what we're used to in morale checks (basically rolling over a factor similar to the one given in step 3 above on 2d6 when 1/3 or 1/2 of the unit is defeated).  You can fix the Post Melee Morale by rallying, but you can't fix the Excess Casualties morale, once that breaks the unit is lost.

I kind of think that there must have been a way to avoid all the counting, multiplying and subtracting after each turn of combat and still allowed the various factors to weigh, but also realize that there are fewer actual melee turns in a miniatures battle than in an RPG fight.  

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