Saturday, September 25, 2010

Entertainment Update

My newest acquisition from Comic Store West:   "The Monarch" official Venture Brothers Action Figure.

Quick Reviews of new TV series:

S#&%$ My Dad Says with William Shatner:   S#&%$  is right on the money.

Hawaii 5-O:  it has the correct theme song, there's lots of action, and the guy says "Book 'em Dann-O", well, what more could one even think to ask for?


  1. I just wanted to add that I just watched 'Despicable Me', and if you ever do the 'Fulton Horizons' campaign (the Venture Brothers, only not campaign if I recall correctly) again, it is definitely one to check out. A nifty peak at the insides of an evil genius, his life, the life of his highly expendable minions, and the interaction between him and the evil genius society.

  2. New Family Guy and Venture Brothers is all that matters to me!
