Monday, September 27, 2010

Gear Book

If you have comments about the Gear Book draft I sent out, post them as comments to this post.  I guess I have one question for you all, should I put the prices for NPC's casting spells (from the DMG) with campaign notes into the gear book too?


  1. I would totally add the prices for NPC spells into the gear book. I can see us using any last resource we can get our hands on.

    I also think that adding damage or rules for the various hunter traps might be a nifty idea.

    I don't see a notation for what the '-R' on various items mean. I'm guessing it's something that is rare or difficult to get.

    I am happy to see that you didn't leave the crossbow damage the same as 1e books. I would humbly suggest that they might get a bonus against plate or mail, or both.

    I see the booze section still lists restore points on it. Is that intentional? If so, it's kind of nifty.

  2. The R is explained in the first section, it means "restricted" (I guess), basically, if the price has an R, you need to ask DM permission before buying, if it doesn't have an R a PC can buy it without comment during downtime.

    Damage for Hunter traps--of course!

    Yes, I'm intending to use the booze recovery rule (once per day).
