Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Goblins and Orcs in the Badlands

In Return of the Trolls, there were no orcs and goblins were only found in the service of witches who created them using a magic spell.  In turning the setting from its original system to AD&D, I wanted to include orcs, goblins, hobgoblins and bugbears, so I came up with the following scheme:


Goblins are created by Chaotic spell-casters using a spell called “Create Goblins.” Basically, the caster uses the blood of sacrificed animals(black haired goats or sheep) to serve as a vessel for minor demonic spirits to take corporeal form in the physical world. It is rumored that there is a magical lake of blood in Dengwur’s lair that spews out goblins at a regular rate. Goblins are all hermaphrodites and can mate with one another. The offspring of goblins are the more powerful hobgoblins. Hobgoblins mate and produce more hobgoblins. Bugbears were created by the sorcerer Dengwur by breeding hobgoblins with actual bears. They have since become a breeding population and have spread across the continent. Goblins, hobgoblins and bugbears have developed an instant loathing for orcs and will attack on sight. Goblins collapse into a puddle of blood when killed, but the corpses of hobgoblins and bugbears are more normal.


The Old Ones had long been served by a race of degenerate, inbred, cavemen who had become slaves of Chaos in ancient days. When the Old Ones began their plan to overthrow the Aredean Empire, they found that these degenerates were insufficient for their need for shock troops. The Old Ones’ mysterious leaders made a pact with a great Devil, received a modified version of the spell of creating goblins, which used pigs’ blood as a component and which produced the hardier orcs rather than goblins. When the time came to attack the remnants of the empire, the orcs were used to spearhead the attack. In the area around Portchester, the orcs became deadly foes of Dengwur’s goblins and hobgoblins and are driven into immediate bloody attacks when they see any goblinoid. Orc males and females look alike to non-orcs, but they can mate and produce a litter of offspring in 6 months. The offspring are born ferocious and can fight as kobolds within 4 months of birth, and reach adulthood after 1 full year. First generation orcs collapse into a pool of blood when slain, as do goblins, but second generation and later orcs do not.

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