Saturday, May 5, 2012

The Bug

I know I haven't posted here for a long while.   Winter time is always the worst for me for getting enthused about anything.  I also was enjoying just playing in Andrew's campaign and not thinking about the world of rules and campaign management for awhile.  Now that spring has returned and my return to head chair approaches, the "Workshop" beckons and I'm starting to spend time tinkering again.

However, my interest has taken it's most horrifying and terrible form, a malady I call "The Bug", i.e., "Travelller Fever."  For some strange reason, The Bug has not manifested itself in actual play with our game group out of proportion to anything else.  We did do the Playtest Campaign for D20 Traveller, the creation of which I was deeply involved with.   We also did a Striker miniatures battle a long time ago.  Perhaps I sublimated The Bug into Space Bastards, and Space Bastards d20.  In any case in the last 13 years I seem to not have done a real Traveller campaign at all.   Now I have the Bug.   We'll have to see how it develops.

1 comment:

  1. The only thing I hated about the first traveller was getting killed while rolling up a character. Grrrr!
