Sunday, October 12, 2014

Calling Dibs

I'm calling Dibs on being Judge next week.    I want to yank a plot-thread I've been waving around for a year or so.   I also want to set the parameters for the clearing out of the Island of the Dead, since Yoeville will never thrive until that is accomplished, as Andrew has pointed out.   Perhaps the dungeon portion will be still automated, and if Andrew wants to do a lightning round, we can still do that, but I want some time to play out a few things with me as full judge.

1 comment:

  1. >>Yoeville will never thrive until that is accomplished, as Andrew has pointed out.

    Amicus would like to actually build a brand new domain on the footprint of the island, leaving Yoesville as a vassal city. Further, he would like to do his best to re-build the grandeur of the Ardean empire including the tower defense network. He would pay handsomely for any books or maps on how these stronghold/artifacts worked.
