Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Campaign Thoughts

The trouble with Traveller is the wide variety of directions a campaign could go:  mercenary, pirates, merchant-adventurers, guys bumming around in a scout ship looking for trouble.   I think that when we start, maybe we'll do a space battle, then a ground battle, all with pre-gens.  Then, roll up actual characters once people know what's what.   Then we'll see if the party has its own ship or not and whether their all gun-monkeys or space dudes or a mix.

1 comment:

  1. I like that idea. I'm partial to spaceship battles myself, but as I recall ship to ship combat in Traveller is a strange vector-based mess looking more like a modern naval battle than any kind of a dogfight.

    I recall one battle where the PCs accelerated toward the enemy only to overshoot horribly as the bad guys wheeled behind them. They escaped, just for the fact that they had built up so much momentum.
