Monday, May 21, 2012

To Shreds, You Say--Ground Combat Test 2

I decided to try out the the biggest baddest armor.   Tech Level 14 Battle-Dress is Armor Value 18, which is pretty huge.  Basically, bullets stand no chance against it.   I made up 4 Tech14 troopers with a variety of weapons, and put them up against 8 tech-10 troopers, wearing Combat Environment Suits (Armor Value 6).

The laser rifles and Advanced Combat Rifles carried by tech 10 troopers simply can't hurt the Battle Dress Troops.  But, they had a good supply of support weapons:  1 grenade launcher, I disposable rocket launcher, 1 TAC anti-tank missile, and each rifleman had 2 rifle grenades.

As luck would have it the tech 10 troopers got surprise.  They figured they had to go for broke up front, since they only had 1-2 rounds of grenades and rockets and then they were helpless.  So they didn't worry about cover or anything and just let 'er rip down the line.

Trooper Florus fired his disposable rocket at Trooper Ajax and missed.,

Trooper George emptied a magazine of RAM grenades at Ajax and hit him twice, utterly destroying him beyond all revival chance.

Trooper Hank fires a rifle grenade and missed.

Trooper Irving fires the Anti-tank missile, and missed.

Trooper Jimbo fires a Rifle Grenade, and blows Trooper Bootes to complete shreds.

Trooper Kastor fires a Rifle Grenade and misses.

Trooper Louis fires a rifle grenade and kills Trooper Callimachus dead.

Trooper Mike fires a rifle grenade and utterly destroys Trooper Diomedes.


This battle went completly against my expectations.  The super high tech equipment wasn't a match for a rocket powered grenade.   Once again, don't get surprised.  Both tests so far were decided by who got surprise.  Choosing where and when to start shooting is awesome.   Now, none of the example guys have had any Recon Skills, and I didn't give anyone any Scanners.   I need to start seeing about that.  If both sides spot each other, then cover etc., will be more important.  Just one or two points of cover would have made a huge difference.  Also, HEAP grenades are just plain brutal.  Even if they hadn't killed all their targets stone dead, their explosive effects would have increased their wound severity by one.  Ouch.

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