Monday, May 28, 2012

Time to Publish

I've finally done enough testing and think I'm ready to release my two main documents.  I've put them up on Andrew's most excellently provided wiki on the Traveller documents' page at this link:

The first two documents are THE SKY MALL, which contans all the weapons, armor, vehicles, robots and assorted gear we should need,  and the RHYLANOR EXPRESS RULES BOOK, which contains some notes on character generation changes, but more importantly the Space Combat Rules and Ground Combat rules.  You can't generate characters with just this booklet, but the combat rules are complete.

I'll have character generation stuff in hard copy for everyone on Sunday, unfortunately my scanner doesn't support my computer's OS, so it's become just a photocopier. 

I may add some more documents (starship and vehicle data cards) at some point soon.


  1. I think it'll be a good idea to have several copies of the sky mall book. Knowing the way our group spends time pouring over the equipment lists, that is.

    I meant to post this before when you were putting something up about robots:

  2. I'm planning to make at least 2 Sky Mall copies for use at the table.
