Wednesday, July 10, 2013

ACKS Gear Book under way

The urge to do an ACKS version of a Gear Book.  I got the combat equipment done last night, and have worked up most of the everyday equipment this morning.  

It might be helpful to have, especially since much of the equipment stats are scattered about the ACKS book.    Most things are converting pretty easily from the Badlands book, although I had to re-configure all the encumbrance stuff to match the ACKS   items/stone system (which I do like).  Books and paper a lot cheaper in ACKS than in AD&D. 

I'm debating whether to put the poison section in the gear book or not.  It'll probably be o.k. to do so, since most of the poisons are slow acting and I don't see people getting really into using them all the time. 


  1. Don't forget the part where you can poison yourself if you fumble with a poisoned weapon.

    Yeah, if there's one thing seriously needed with ACKS, it's making the gear better laid out.

  2. Amen
    The way that horse prices are on one page, but carrying capacity on another, for one thing. The way that missile weapon ranges are in a different chapter than prices and damage ratings too.

  3. You know, ACKS has a wonderful list of weapons and gear. They also have a wonderful economic system for towns/kingdoms. What they don't have is something that states how the fudge they interact with each other, other than in the most broad sense.

    You might also want to put the castle/fortress building costs in the gear book as well, since that'll probably come in handy at some point.

    I would also like to bring up a point regarding the buying/selling of magic items. One shot items like potions aren't exactly cheap (according to the book, a potion of healing will sell for 1000gp each), but there are quite a few people around who can actually make it (via alchemy or being a spellcaster of some sort). I think the biggest issue is players selling assorted magic items they get. I doubt anybody will be in too much of a rush to do that, since magic items are much more valuable being templates for magic item creation and as pretty hefty loyalty modifiers to henchmen. But, on the other hand, if a player needs money, but doesn't want to go on a six month trading expedition for it, he can always sell that +1 sword that's been gathering dust. Of course, with the size of the towns we're in limiting buyers so much, it will be few and fare between that anybody can actually sell anything.

  4. I was just looking at the magic item buying and selling deal last night. And the market class availability is really going to bring buying and selling magic items to a screeching halt.

    Basically, first level potions and scrolls will be available and able to be sold, and a slim chance of everything else. It still might take someone 4 months to sell a +1 sword.

    Actually, I don't think that Alchemists can actually make potions, only assist, and research the formulas.

    I don't think there's as many potion ans scroll makers as you think. In the whole Kingdom of Portchester (roughly "duchy" size) there should only be around 300 characters who are 5th level or above (minimum for potions and scrolls), and of them, 66 are clerics, and 33 are mages. The number who are looking to spend their time making potions to sell is probably pretty small.

    Middle to high level characters are really going to have to be swimming in gold all the time in order to get anything done.
