Wednesday, July 3, 2013


I swore I'd never be a "Collector".   I don't buy things just to have them.  I buy toys that I'm going to play with.   Nevertheless, I'm sorely tempted to pre-order the Original D&D Premium reprint set.   It has the original version of the game from 1974, plus the original supplements: Greyhawk, Blackmoor, Eldritch Wizardry, Gods, Demi-gods and Heroes and (I think) Swords and Spells.  They're all in a wooden box with a set of dice.

I've had PDF's of all of these volumes for years now, so I don't really need the material.   I probably would never actually play the game.   If you use all the supplements, it is so close to being AD&D 1e that it doesn't make a serious difference, and if you want to stick to the basic "3 Brown Books", I have several retro-clones that clean it up a bit.  So, it would be a case of buying it to have it. 

The chief enticement is the fact that while the list price is $146,  Amazon is offering a pre-order for around $85.   I've wasted more money on stupider stuff than that in my life.   I'd probably never spend the $146 on it, but the $85 falls just at the outer edge of my stupid zone.

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