Saturday, November 29, 2014

Phase 1 Complete: The Turkish Light Cavalry

The largest section of the Turkish army for the Battle of Dorylaeum would be Turcoman Light Cavalry.  I decided to convert HaT Industries "El Cid Andalusian Light Cavalry" (i.e., 11th century Moorish cavalry) to Turks,  I did this by saying "These 11th century Moors are now 11th century Turks."

Here's the box cover (click on picture for bigger view)
I bought 3 boxes, a total of 36 figures, and managed to finish painting the lot of them by Saturday morning.   I like this batch,  Very little assembly (just glue dude to horse), very stable figures.   I haven't based them yet, but here's a picture of the entire horde: (click on picture for larger image):

I'm moving on to the rest of the Turkish army now, the heavy horse and the infantry.   The first batch of heavy horse are from a company called "Caesar", and they required a lot more assembly, gluing on weapons and shields, also the horses aren't as stable, most of them being up on 2 feet, and the ones on 4 feet don't have a molded minibase, and are just standing directly on the table.  

While I just painted the light cav using my traditional sticky-tack on a paint jar handle, I had to glue the heavies to popsicle sticks, and fear that if the glue sticks too poorly, I'll just be swearing all the time as they fall off (which happened with the Airfix Robin Hood guys about 1/3 of the time).   On the other hand, if the glue sticks too well, it'll be bitch time when I put them on their unit bases.   Fingers crossed.

1 comment:

  1. To quote Richard IV from Blackadder, "Love thy neighbour as thyself, unless he's Turkish, in which case, kill the bastard!"
