Sunday, November 30, 2014

Stepping Ever Closer to Madness

I've got my "Caesar" brand Saracen horsemen painted.   As I feared, they are stuck fast to their popsickle sticks.   The HaT figures from the "Command" set I've also been working on just pop right off the popsickle sticks, but the Caesar figures are made of harder plastic and they stick fast.   I'm trying to cut the sticks up, in order to turn them into the mini-bases that the Caesar horsemen otherwise lack, but I haven't found a good method, utility knife and hobby hacksaw are both less than ideal.   I'm going to try tin snips next.

The larger question is my slow slide into OCD or perhaps full blown madness.  I've painted all the mounted figures I need for the Turkish side (less 1 box of heavies that haven't arrived yet).  But, I bought a box of Moorish infantry too.  In the historical battle I'm trying to model, the entire Turkish army was mounted men, but I figured a few stands of infantry to guard the camp was not unlikely nor unreasonable.

The problem is that the box of Moorish infantry has 96 guys in it.   Reason tells me to paint 12 or maybe 24 tops, and consider the Turkish army complete and move on to the Crusader army or the terrain mat or the camps.   But the voice of madness cries in my ear:  "You're not REALLY done with the Turks until the infantry is painted"  or "You can then stage the battles at Antioch or Jerusalem"  or "You'll need to have individually mounted infantry if you want to do siege action or skirmishes" or "If you leave the infantry unfinished, who knows if you'll get back to them, and they'll be sitting there mocking you for years perhaps"

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