Monday, June 4, 2012

Character Generation

I could do Traveller Character Generation all day long.  I've always loved it.  That being said, I have never seen such a run of bad luck for survival rolls in my entire life.  I mean Marlon failing a survival roll of 3+ on 2 dice!   Bob, losing every character he tried, and these not even in the really high risk careers like belter or scout.

Marlon ended up with one really cool ex-army Colonel, and two punks.   Jason ended up with 2 excellent characters, a Flyer, who had a long career, but couldn't get past the first officer rank (pilot); and a Diplomat.  The diplomat was fascinating, since he started with a 2 intelligence, and Jason was just diplomating him as a sort of laugh, but by the end of mustering out, his Intelligence had risen all the way to 6, and he was over-maxed on his total skill ranks.

Unfortunately, I didn't achieve my goal for the session.  Since I don't know what Bob is going to play, I don't know whether the parry will begin with a ship or not (neither Jason nor Marlon's characters have a ship to start).   I don't know which adventure idea to fully flesh out.   I guess I've got plenty of time to work out something that won't matter for next time.  Oh, my, having to spend amply free time playing with Traveller stuff, woe is me.

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