Tuesday, June 19, 2012

I don't need you, I can do this act alone.

Since Bob and Jason decided to skip the chance at 150,000cr for assaulting the asteroid base in session 1, and since I had 2 NPC's who were capable of attempting it and had been present for the chance, I decided to see if they could do it.

Baron Church and Sgt. Griswald each had a fairly large credit balance so, they pooled 120,000cr and recruited 9 employees to form "Tim's Tornado".  I'll send everyone a log of what happened, and put it on the wiki as Rhylanor 3.

Honestly, they were almost massacred.  3 of the 11 had mortal wounds, and they were about to be swamped by 12 or so bad guys with much better weapons.

 In fact, gunnery and Forward Observer were the two key skills,  They entered the base by landing on the asteroid by surprise and then creeping up to the entrance and using Forward Observer to direct a missile to blow the door in, and then to blow the inner cargo door in too.   But, having 2 crappy accelerator rifles and 6 cutlasses is no match for a crap load of laser carbines.   The captain then sees that the bad guys are clumped together by the entry hole.  He orders the back-up pilot to rush the ship's boat right over, fired a Sand Caster and shreaded the bad guys.  My freaking glob!  a sand caster in personal combat is just completely murderous.  If you are in the danger space and not in some very sturdy vehicle (not even an ATV will do), you are just dead. 

Also, having a first rate doctor is really nice, they recruited one by good fortune, and he saved all the injured troops.  Dr. Hakamora may only be Medic-5, not 7 like our own Dr Spurlock, but that still gets the job done.

I also saw one more time how melee weapons may be useful, but the fact the enemy gets a "return fire phase" with guns before you can hack, and that hurts.

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