Monday, April 15, 2013

There is always a third option

While it seems that there's a consensus for Gatavia revival, I thought I'd at least mention the third option.    We could, of course, create a new setting from scratch.    The downside would be the amount of work and the fact we'd be giving up the past history of 2 campaigns.  However, the upsides are significant.   First of all, a new setting would mesh more neatly into the scheme of ACKS, and all of the design features could be more clearly brought into play.  We'd have the campaign start instructions to use and all of the mapping conventions etc., .    Secondly, it would give everyone a chance at some new input as to campaign style, rather than be bound by the three or so years ago Dave outlook.

I must admit that coming up with another set of gods and religions seems a bit tiresome, even if the Gatavia ones are mostly just Earth ones anyway.

Although one track might be to start really tight and gradually build the world outward.   Our previous multi-campaign world, Caedes, started as "Horny Bill's Trading Post" and the forest immediately around it, and gradually grew into a whole continent with a lot of development, used for 4 different campaigns (of various levels of success).


  1. After taking a quick look at the ACKs preview, I'm for it. Sounds like some cool and interesting stuff. Thanks Dave for making me want to spend more money I don't have.

  2. I would not be completely opposed to an all new setting, either. Though I don't exactly relish the thought of starting at 1st level all over again, but given that we're going to be learning a relatively new system it's probably not a bad idea.

    As far as deities are concerned, I think most of our characters tend to be non-religious swine anyways (except when we need healed).

    There's several different ideas on religion:

    -We could just use the religious system Dave had set up in the old campaign. The one good/lawful deity vs the neutral nature/pagan deities vs the evil/chaotic deity/demon things. It was fairly direct and simple.

    -We could borrow a pantheon from somewhere. Roman, norse, Greyhawk D&D(I've got a couple books with them in it), Forgotten Realms D&D (I've got like 3 or 4 books with the various ones it), what have you else. This one would require a lot more thought and agreement.

    -We could make up the deities on the fly. Have either the DM or player make up the deity as they need them in order to fill a particular need.
