Thursday, April 25, 2013

Whirling uncontrollably

I'm starting to whirl out of control.  I'm trying to get some sort of focus in ACKS preparation, but can't quite stay on one task.   I have miniatures to paint, setting to convert, adventures to consider, characters to consider for conversion and placing in the setting, and I keep jumping all around both rulebooks and the mass combat playtest document trying to understand everything.  I am making progress with converting the old henchmen deck, so that's something.  Although it would probably be better to make henchmen from scratch rather than converting the old ones, it does give a sense of the system differences.

I don't think all the old PC's would have domains.  I think Septimus, for example, would be scraping by with his magic shop.   Nigel might have a sanctum, but probably not a dungeon or domain.  I do need to come up with some Halfling and Half-orc custom classes of some sort for Bosco Tripod and Marlon's old evil summoner.


  1. Well, actually I could see Septimus running a magic shop out of his house (mostly oblivious to the fact that a shop in the country-side isn't visited as often as one in town). I could also see Gaius Antonius continuing to breed and train war dogs for lawful institutions (unless a lawful stronghold ruler wanted to hire a chaplain). Nigel would be too much of a professional to have any kind of dungeon on his property.

    There's never enough time, especially with the tasks that you want to do with this campaign. My head starts to spin a little when I try to make heads or tails of the custom class rules. Just take it slow, there's not a great rush to get everything all sorted out.


    Random Dungeon dice! Just saying.
