Monday, October 18, 2010

Badlands campaign: character rules

I've created a draft booklet with all the character-related rules for the Badlands.  It can be found at the Lords of Hack wiki, at this page:

Have a look and give me some comments, either by e-mail or here as a comment to this blog post.
If there are classes you'd like to see, that aren't too broken, let me know.


  1. I see that you have written on the 'changes to hit dice' section about the extra hit dice at level 1 for all characters, but under the 'hit points' for each of the new classes it lists only single dice for each class at that level.

    I think that dwarves, at least, should be able to be bersekers. One of my favorite series of novels (set in the Warhammer universe) is pretty much about a dwarf berserker (accompanied by a human bard) seeking his own death in combat as a way to atone for some unspeakable sin he had done before.

  2. I wanted the hit die on the experience tables for the new classes to look like the ones from the PHB, and that way one wouldn't be tempted to add the extra die twice.

    I'll mull over the dwarf berserker thing, and check some of the background detail. If they can be Gothi, then perhaps they should be able to be berserkers too.

  3. I have a question regarding rangers and bards. Can they cast their magic-user spells while in their armor? I could see it for rangers, since they only get a puny selection of spells (by the way, what level do rangers cast their druid and magic-user spells at), but bards might be a different story.

  4. I'm pretty sure that rangers can cast in armor, as you say their spells are pretty limited and only come at high level.

    As for bards, it's right there in the class description that they cannot cast in any armor except elf chain mail. (Character booklet, page 7)
