Sunday, October 10, 2010

Off Topic Awesome

I did something today I haven't done in almost 30 years:  build a fire.  We had a pile of sticks in the backyard, the refuse from various storms over the last few months; we also had a Lowe's gift card.  So, we went to Lowes and bought a portable metal fire pit, set it up in the driveway and started burning wood.  We ended up burning about 3/4 of it, baking some potatoes for dinner, and roasting marshmallows for dessert (another thing I haven't done for 30 years).   Pretty cool.

1 comment:

  1. I can recall selling quite a few of the portable fire disks at Target over the years down in Georgia.

    I also remember learning the very, very hard way in Hawaii that you don't throw old, dead coral into the bonfires we used to do down at the beach. Turns out there's actually still moisture trapped inside the coral, and it explodes. Coral sharpnel hurts.
