Sunday, November 7, 2010

Anarchy Out, Walking In

There's a point in the Venture Brothers episode "Escape to the House of Mummies, part 2" where Brock Sampsom turns to the "camera" and says "This is getting STUPID!"   I've finally reached the "This is getting STUPID" moment with the TV show "Sons of Anarchy."   The first season was pretty good, a look at the lives and problems of motorcycle dirtbags.   It was never in doubt that even though they were the center of focus of the series, they were, in fact, dirtbags.   Also, they were in conflict with other dirtbags and had problems that dirtbags might have (rather like the Sopranos on motorcycles).

The second season started to get slightly stupid.  The conflict was against a guy who owned a cigar store, but led a secret neo-nazi group.  It was still somewhat interesting, if getting more and more far fetched all the time.  

This third season is just plain stupid.   The hero's infant son was kidnapped by an Irish terrorist-gangster guy and then the Irish guy gets killed, and for some unfathomable reason, some other Irish guys won't give the son back, and now the motorcycle gang has gone to Ireland.  The writers even had some Mexicans kill off the only honest cop in the gang's hometown, I really don't know why, I don't know, maybe because he was making his dirtbag heroes look bad?

Bleck,   Season pass cancelled.

The new Walking Dead series, however, is pretty good so far, so it's taking the place of the rolling dirtbags.


  1. You know, the first thing I thought of when you described the third season is space mexicans and the dread bat-men of space. The difference is with Slipstream absurd and silly is actually pretty much the genre (or else we would've had a session where we encountered the monsters from Alien). If Anarchy had kept with serious situations (and seriously, with like 60 years worth of motorcycle gangs around, couldn't they come up with something more interesting than evil irish gangs), it would still be awesome.

    The Walking Dead was awesome (Hey, dumbass. You in the tank. I hope you're cozy in there). Now to see if it can maintain awesomeness beyond the premier episode.

  2. I could care less about dirtbag bikers, known enough in my life...((that's like 2-3) one or two more than needed). But Zombies! How can there ever be too many zombie shows? I'm sure "They" will find a way, if there's $$$ to be made. Lookit what they did to Vampires! Now it's "Nothing but Vampires!" I blame Dave!
