Monday, September 2, 2013

The Main Guy

Guy #2:  I was looking to try a thief, and he had the makings of an excellent one.

I dropped his wisdom from 16 to 10 and increased his Dexterity from 15 to 18.  He has a good CON and a good Charisma, both excellent features.

Proficiencies are pretty important.  Because he has a low INT (8) he can't read, so I spend his general proficiency on Language so he can read and write.   More importantly, since thieves have sucky hit points, I want him to be useful with missiles, so I choose Precise Shooting, letting him shoot into melee.

So, meet The Masked Archer of the Apocalypse
human, thief, neutral, level 3 (thieves go up fast, 3000xp)
St 9 (+0), Int 8 (-1), Wis 10 (0), Dex 18 (+3), Con 15 (+1), Cha 13 (+1)

Proficiencies: Language (literacy), Precise Shooting
Thief Skills: Open Locks 16, Traps 16, Pick Pocket 15, Move Silently 15, Climb Walls 5, Hide in Shadows 17, Hear Noise 12.  Backstab x2

Saves: paralysis 12, Poison 12, Blast 15, Wand 13, Spell 14

Missile Attack:  6+,  Melee Attack  9+

AC:  5  (leather 2, +3 dex)
Hit points: 13

Gear: leather armor, long bow, large quiver with 40 arrows, sword, dagger
baldric, sword scabbard, dagger scabbard, belt pouch
Back pack, thieves' tools, 6 torches, tinderbox
tunic and pants (good), mask, hooded cloak, high leather boots
1 dose of white lotus

Encumbrance:   4 stone 2 items:  not encumbered:  move 120'/40'

3 gold and 5sp remaining

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