Friday, September 20, 2013

Urban Tiles

The 25 or so  tiles I'm using for dungeons seem adequate for a large variety of dungeon levels.  I could probably use a few more "cave" tiles, beyond the dozen I have.  

I do need some urban tiles, however.   Since a townhouse in ACKS is said to be 30 foot square, I could actually fit four such houses on a single 12"x12" tile.   I imagine I'd need 6 such tiles at the very least to model a street scene.    I'm afraid that I might need a metric crapload of them to really do a city right.   I'll have to start poking around a bit.

I also need to do a standard ACKS keep, which is 60x60 feet--or exactly 1 tile.  I need to see how many floors I'd need. 


  1. Here you go Dave. Original "Walled City " geomorphs by Gary

  2. I'm familiar with them, but they aren't in miniatures scale. They wouldn't solve the "on the table" problem,

    I don't know if their available for less as Downloads, a lot of stuff is now available again on Drive Thru RPG as pdf. Actually, I got "Temple of Elemental Evil" for free last night.
