Sunday, May 19, 2013


I finished a large portion of my miniature backlog.  Basically, I painted all the new stuff I bought over the last 2 months and a portion of the old backlog.  I still have to paint my mounted knights and Viking infantry, but they are all nicely boxed and shrink-wrapped, so they aren't a really pressing matter (plus King Theoden and Bullroarer Took).

After I finished painting, I went to work cleaning and ordering the Hack Lair.  You probably won't notice much difference, but I threw out a metric crapload of stuff; I was really pretty ruthless with cardboard, junk and play aids we don't use, like battle mats, hex paper, character sheets for games we don't play. I also had to add several new boxes for miniatures on the shelf when adding my new stuff.  It turns out I already had lizardmen after all; so now I have a lot of lizardmen.  I packed away all the 4th edition D&D stuff, since we haven't played that in 4 years or so.   I also have a nice spot on my top shelf for the Savage World stuff and the ACKS stuff.  

I did find the maps for the dungeon complex for the Aquila Campaign (a.k.a. the Brown Trousers) for Castles and Crusades.  It was a true old-school dungeon complex, with 8 levels of dungeon and a half a dozen above ground ruins.   Once again, I think the players spent 90% of the campaign ignoring the dungeons and wandering around the outdoor map, and I think they only ever really explored 1 or 2 levels.  It really is a neat set of maps.

1 comment:

  1. I actually donated all my 4e stuff to the York Hospital book sale. So if anybody, for some odd reason, wants a few of those books, look for their next sale day.
