Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Paging the "Answering your own question" Department

Okay, it took me all of 30 seconds to answer my own question.   "Mr. Box Online" has bundles of 50 12"x12" cardboard sheets for about $10.   Looks like I have a solution.  I just have to order up somewhere  between 1 and 4 bundles, depending on how confident of the scheme I am and hell, just draw the dungeon right on the square and use a ruler for movement, or paste down the cut sections of big grid paper.  At 20 cents each, I could even just chuck 'em when we're done.  I think it might be a good idea to make up some spell effect templates for common ACKS spells, like incredibly handy Savage Worlds templates.

12x12 Cardboard Sheets


  1. I will not be ordering from "Mr Box Online", the shipping is prohibitive. ($20 shipping for a $10 pack of cardboard, It's down to $30 shipping if I buy 3 packs)

  2. Amazon has some that are a little better, but still seem a bit high to me. I decided to look around in person first before ordering something.

  3. Once I realized the the magic word was "Scrap-booking" I found some 12"x12" "chipboard packing inserts", a pack of 150 for $30 with free shipping. There you go.
