Tuesday, June 18, 2013

ACKS project two complete

I've finished my second deck, this time it's of first level henchmen (about 60).  I had already converted the ones in the AD&D deck, but now I've added another 20 or so to the pile.

This time, creating from scratch, I used the "reduce a score by 2 to raise the prime requisite by 1" rule.   That really has a huge impact on character creation.  Out of 21 guys, there are 2 fighters and a dwarf fury with 18 strengths, and an elf enchanter with an 18 intelligence.

I did get a little tired of picking "general" proficiencies, but besides that it was a very helpful exercise in getting more familiar with the character types.

Some Names;

Sister Susan Ordinary;  Barry Potter,  Other Barry Potter,  Crazy Jack, Brother Mumbles, Brother Turnip,  Dazzling Wanda

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