Monday, June 10, 2013

First ACKS project done

My first completed project for ACKS is the "Level 0 Henchmen" Deck.   I converted some of the hirelings from Badlands and then expanded the collection to around 60 total level 0 henchmen cards.    The two major towns in the campaign are both Market class III, and so they will have 4d8 level 0 henchmen available each month.   60 seemed to be about right to have a variety show up.

ACKS has a bright line between henchmen and hirelings.   Hirelings (who are available in larger numbers) will never go into a dungeon or on an "adventure."  Only henchmen will.  Also, henchmen all need stats and names, whereas hirelings don't. 

Also, it is comparatively easy to advance level 0 henchmen to level 1.  All they need is to get 100xp  (and what is harder, stay alive).  By the book, most level 0 henchmen become first level fighters, but I think many will go into my custom-made "Lacky" class instead in our game, depending on their general function.

There is a surprising variety of types in the deck.   I made most of the high dexterity guys into archers or crossbowmen (equalling level 0 mercenary soldiers).  Some high strength guys I made into Brute Squad guys (mercenaries with heavy hand-to-hand weapons).   Others I gave shields and spears as generic guard-types.  All of those types I would imagine would level into Fighters.

Other guys are more useful flunky types:  pack-haulers, wagon-masters and torchboys (low strength).  These guys are always needed to take care of the crap work.   I could see them leveling into the Lacky class.

Then there are other types entirely:  cooks, minstrels, heralds, healers (these are especially useful),   The system of proficiencies gives a nice basis for setting up different useful level 0 guys.   I didn't include a large number of craftsmen, since I don't think they would be henchman material, unlikely to want to adventure rather than work on their craft.

Some Sample Names:

Uncle Fudd, Bolt Hammerslam, Wingus, Dingus, Clumsy Ralph, Mister Boarley, Stupid Marco, Krankor I, Krankor II, Krankor III  (I printed out the same card three times when getting it formatted), Greasy Bill, Mad Phillip and  Clark (I would keep my eye on Clark).


  1. Will the Krankors be annoyingly incompetent birdmen?

  2. Not birdmen, but you can buy them all the revealing leotards you want.
