Monday, June 17, 2013

Geomorphic Tiles in Practice

Sunday's experiment with randomized geomorphic tiles on the 12"x12" cardboard squares was a complete success from my perspective.   I thought they did the trick nicely.   The 12"x12" allowed us to slap down several rooms at once, pretty much the range of most combats, but still having a more mysterious gradual reveal than slapping down the "Big Paper". 

I think having one entrance per side (maximum) at the 6 and 1/2 inch mark was perfect.   Having 2 entrances per side would be too much for the small tile.  Also, not having every time have all four exits is probably for the best too.

I'm definitely going to keep the tiles from last night and start creating a pile of tiles that we can use at any time.  Of course, we can still do planned maps but the geomorphic tiles will make instant creation of almost any dungeon or building complex super fast.

I suppose I should give each tile a number so for more-pre-planned set ups I can re-create a tile set up more accurately.


  1. Gotta say, I thought they worked great too. There's also the added benefit of (kind of) knowing the limits of the location. I give it a thumbs up!

  2. In another could control the shape of the dungeon by just calling hallways "Dead ends". The we'd have to go other ways. I can see certain tactical advantages for both sides in that case.
