Monday, January 4, 2016

The Double Damage Question

As Jason and I were discussing it, we go all excited about having double damage from various sources be multiplicative and also having the doubling include the bonus damage from magic and strength too.

So, a swordsman with +3 sword and 18 strength (+3) who scored a critical hit, would roll 1d6+6 and double the entire result.

If the same swordsmen were a beefy thief and got a critical hit (x2) on a backstab (say x3) he would roll 1d6+6 and multiply the result by 6, which could result in up to 72 points of damage.  

That's a lot, but it requires sneaking around unseen and scoring a critical hit (natural 20 usually).  It really isn't anymore out of line than throwing a polymorph other spell or the like.

I'm a little concerned about if we added a Girdle of Giant Strength into the mix for a doubling again.  Maybe we could limit the Girdle to a simple doubling of number of weapon dice rolled, since that (and Growth spell too) are used on every single attack roll and aren't extraordinary like a backstab or critical.


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